
New features

Automatic drawing with VisionCivil
When VisionCivil is opened on your CAD, the points and chains will automatically be draw when picked in VisionLidar. Ref.: LID-801

Object detection
A new function allows to detect, in the point cloud, a loaded model to find every similar objects within a certain accuracy. Ref.: LID-702

ReCap files 
VisionLidar projects can now be created from .rcp files. The option is available in File → New → Quick Project, Project and Project in Batch.
Ref.: LID-805

VisionLidar point clouds can now be exported in .rcp files and works like other exports. Which means that only the visible points of the projects will be exported. Ref.: LID-800

Coordinate conversion

At project creation, the coordinate system of point clouds can now be changed by specifying its projection, selecting the option and specifying the desired projection for the project. Ref:. LID-770

When adding a new scan, by indicating the EPSG code of its projection, VisionLidar will automatically convert them to the project projection. Ref.: LID-791

A new BIM menu has been implemented which containt "Building modeling", "Surface by sections" and
"IFC (BIM)" functions. Ref.: LID-806

A new building modeling function was added, allowing to create buildings with a BIM point of view (storeys, walls, slabs, openings, columns...) straight on the point cloud and generating an IFC file afterward.  Ref.: LID-794, LID-808, LID-814, LID-815

In the "IFC (BIM)" function, the clusters categories were added to better filter them. Ref.: LID-796

Measurement kit
The kit interface has completely been reworked to allow changing the types of each measurement to show on the point cloud.
Ref.: LID-766

Inserted objects
It is now possible to add objects in the point cloud. The supported objects types are OpenSceneGraph (.osg & .osgb), Wavefront Technologies(.obj) et Polygon File Format (.ply). They can be inserted via the explorer under the "Object" tab. Ref.: LID-784

Clipping box

A new tool allowing better point cloud management has been implemented. The clipping box create a box to isolate points of the point cloud. It is mutually exclusive with the fence function, only one of the tools can be active at any time. Ref.: LID-784

Project creation 
Projects can now be created in batch, all files with the desired extensions in the specified folder will generate independent projects. Ref.: LID-781

The new "Quick project" function allows to create a project with the default parameters in the settings and open it afterward. The standard project creation is still available but lunch a project creation routine out of VisionLidar, allowing o continue working with VIsionLidar's current project while the creation process occurs. Ref.: LID-819

Updates of existing functions

With the simplification function, the extension does not double anymore when it was specified in the project's name. Ref.: LID-809

Opening on double-click VLP
Upon double-clicking on a vlp file in Windows, the project now open normally when VisionLidar starts. Ref.: LID-821

Intensity value in decimal
When creating a project or importing a point cloud, if the intensity is set in a float value between 0 and 1, it will correctly be scale to fit VisionLidar intensity values. Ref.: LID-827

When exporting to VisionLidar365, the software now automatically produce a thumbnail image for the point cloud. Ref.: LID-762

Each exports type file has now its own interface so that its specific parameters can be changed independently. Ref.: LID-740

The tiles parameters are now kept on re-indexation to reproduce the same tile dimensions. Ref.:LID-793

Adding point clouds
It's now possible to import point clouds of more then 2 gigabytes on an existing project. Ref.: LID-803

Faro imports
Importing FLS files with large coordinates (like in UTM) now correctly keep all its precision. Ref.: LID-807

If FLS files contains images, they are now created in VisionLidar project as .png spherical images. Ref.: LID-810

If the FLS file contains spherical coordinates, the project is now normally created. Ref.: LID-686

Updates on Faro imports functions were made, allowing to support the latest Faro scanners files.  Ref.: LID-813

E57 imports
E57 files containing spherical coordinates are now treated on project creation. Ref.: LID-827

E57 files containing spherical images with all the same name are now correctly imported and automatically renamed with an increment. Ref.: LID-771

The instability causing the loss of the objects list have been fixed. It's no longer necessary to rename the .bak file to get the list back. Ref.: LID-812

When classifying points in a cluster, if class 0 is selected, the classification now works accordingly. Ref.: LID-760

The algorithm allowing to draw and erase clusters has been reworked to enhance its performances. Ref.: LID-617

The interface was redrawn to ease up the licences use. Ref.: LID-755