Exporting the point cloud

Exporting the point cloud

Menu: File / Export to…

This function allows the user to export the contents of the point cloud to a single file. If the project contains many files (more than one source file), it is also possible to export the point cloud to multiple files. It’s to be noted that only the visible points will be exported; meaning if the user wants to export only ground points, the other classes must be hidden before exporting.

Available formats include:

  • .LAS and .LAZ
  • .E57
  • .CSV
  • .PTS
  • VisionLidar365
  • .RCP

The first formats generate a point cloud in the specified format, while the VisionLidar365 option generates all needed files to view the point cloud in an HTML browser. It has been designed mainly to be broadcast by a server, but there is also a small application provided with VisionLidar to view the files locally. The RCP format will generate all the files needed for a ReCap prject to work, thus generating the .RCP and the support sub-folder with all the required files.

For the first point cloud file formats, if the project contains multiple source files, it is possible to export these files as one single file or following the number of files imported. When different files are generated, it can either be named from the project name with an increment afterward or by its original scan name. Furthermore, for the .CSV file, the user is able to select the order of the columns and their separator. Here are the columns specific character and what they means

X: The X coordinate of the point

Y: The Y coordinate of the point 

Z: The Z coordinate of the point

P: The default PCode 

C: The class of the point

I: The intensity of the point

F: The intensity of the point in a float value

R G and B: The red, green and blue color values of the point

N: The tile incremental number in which it was treated

S: The scan value in which it was ordered in the project

K M and L: The normal value of the point

You can put only the columns that you wish to export.

The VisionLidar365 format is primaly generated to be putted on a VisionLidar365 server, thus it create not only an html file that you named but also three other files and 2 sub folders in the same folder in which your html file is. The sub-folder "libs" contains all the librairies for it to work as a web service and the "chrome_local.bat", "civetweb.exe" and "start.bat" are files to simulate a server on your local PC. The html file will be the web page to view your point cloud and inside the "pointcloud" subfolder is the VisionLidar365 project which is in another subfolder with the same name as the html file. So basically, you can have as many html files and point clouds in the same folder as needed and only one libs sub-folder, "chrome_local.bat", "civetweb.exe" and "start.bat" files in the same folder. To start viewing the project, you will need to lunch the start.bat which will open your default browser with the adress "Localhost:8080", (you might need to allow your firewall to lunch the process) and select the html file you want to see. There will be an empty command window in your task bar, it is the false server running. Mind that you can't share the html file over the internet with this method, it only lunch a server locally on your machine.

It is also possible to export points visible within an extraction, or even exporting points visible within a fence. This becomes useful if a simplified version of the point cloud is needed, since VisionLidar creates an extraction automatically when simplifying the point cloud. See point cloud simplification for more information.

Mind that to update an existing project, you can only export the annotations, spherical images or measurements if needed, but for a new VisionLidar365 project, at least the point cloud must be exported.

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