VisionLidar 365 for ArcGIS
VisionLidar 365 for ArcGIS
Enter your credentials at the login page to get access to the project data that you have been granted.
Open a Project
- Click the VisionLidar 365 icon at the top left of the window to open the main menu.
- Under the Project section, select the desired project and click Open.
This opens the selected project and displays the points associated with the locations where data was captured.
- The current position is highlighted on the map.
- The camera position and angle is displayed on the map.
Navigate within the 3D Space
You can either navigate from the VisionLidar 365 space or from the map. Both the map space and the 3D space are kept in sync by VisionLidar 365 for ArcGIS Online.
To navigate from the VisionLidar 365 space, use the same techniques as in the Web version.
- Click and hold to rotate the view.
- Double-click to select a new position.
- Use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out.
- Use the navigation controls
- All view changes are reflected on the map.
To navigate from the map, click on a point or move the camera symbol by holding the left mouse button. Click on the map to change the camera orientation.
Explore, Annotate and Measure
- Click the VisionLidar 365 icon at the top left of the window to open the main menu.
- Use the options and tools on the left to access the same functionality as in the Web version.
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