Planar Images

Planar Images

Menu: View / Planar images

Version française

It is possible to incorporate planar images into VisionLidar by specifying an images folder and loading a position file to place the images in the project accurately.

To begin with, specify the folder where the images are stored in the Images folder. Next, select Load Path to load the TXT or CSV file which is associated to the images - this file should include the file name, timestamp, position, and orientation. If many path files are being used, be sure to check the “Append to existing” option.

Each image can be expanded by clicking on the "..." button. Here it is possible to view the image’s “GPS time” for the image and the angle values for roll (Rot X), pitch (Rot Y), and yaw(Rot Z). These can be modified as needed to adjust the image to the point cloud.




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