Automatic Classification
Menu: AI / Automatic Classification
With this feature, you can automatically classify your projects using a trained AI model.
Selecting a Model
The software provides four default models, each designed for different dataset types. If you have previously trained a custom model, it will appear in the "Model Name" dropdown menu. Once a model is selected, the available classification classes will be displayed.
Classification Modes
You can choose between the following processing options:
🔹 GPU Mode (Recommended)
Uses your graphics card (GPU) to accelerate the classification process.
Significantly faster than CPU mode.
Requires an NVIDIA GPU (other brands are not supported at this time).
🔹 CPU Mode
Uses your computer’s processor (CPU) for classification.
Slower than GPU mode, especially for large datasets.
Can be used if no compatible GPU is available.
🔹 Performance Mode (For GPU users only)
Adjusts the batch size and number of workers based on available GPU memory:
Minimal → For GPUs with less than 12GB memory.
Balanced → For GPUs with 12–16GB memory.
High → For GPUs with 24GB or more memory.
Choosing the correct performance mode ensures optimal memory usage and prevents crashes due to insufficient GPU resources.
🔹 By Corridor Mode (For Linear Projects)
Classifies only the points inside a defined corridor.
Corridors can be created using the Alignments tool.
Best suited for road, railway, or pipeline projects where classification should be restricted to a predefined area.
Starting the Classification
Once all parameters are set, click [Start] to begin the automatic classification process.
By selecting the appropriate mode and settings, you can optimize the classification process for your dataset and hardware. 🚀