Crash Barrier Detection

Crash Barrier Detection

Menu: Analyse / Crash Barrier Detection

Version française

This tool automatically detects the edges in your point cloud (Building, train station and others) and vectorizes them. The detection will create points along the edge as long as the parameters are met. This function needs a good density of points so that the edges are correctly detected. Below is a list of the settings :

  • Search radius:  Maximum radius in which to search the next point.

  • Tol. deviation: (in degree) Will dictate the maximum deviation from one point to another. The lower, the more the detection will stay straight. The higher, the more it can follow curves.

  • Accuracy: Maximum difference of elevation from the edge for points to be considered. This value must be kept low for the algorithm to work properly.

Once the parameters are setup, you will have between 3 modes of automatic detection

  • By one point: click 1 point in the point cloud and the detection will be done on both sides of the selected point (same as catenary detection).

  • By two points: the 1st point will act as the beginning of the extraction, which will follow the direction given by the 2nd point picked.

  • By multiples points: Same as "By one point" but instead of doing only one edge at a time, the software will detect all edges at once (1 edge per point clicked)

Once the mode is selected, click on  then click on the edge in your point cloud to give the software a starting point. Once the detection finished, you will have the possibility to choose between:

  • Save: To save the extraction in the VisionLidar project

  • Load: To load the saved extraction to your project (in case you deleted them)

  • Append:

  • Export: To export your extracted edges in either .DXF, .SHP, .MID, .GeoJSON, or .KML

  • Create chains: Will open the "Enter points/chains" window giving you access to the function found in it (see "Enter points/chains")



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