Project Information
Menu: File / Project info
This function displays the project information window. Listed information includes:
the name of the project
the attached database
the standard associated to the database
the project limits - the origin (file minimum) and its outer edge (file maximum)
the total number of points in the project
the number of cells (tiles) in x, y and z axis
the tile size
the maximum number of points in a cell (tile)
the average number of points per cell
the average distance between points in the project
the source files
The density may be measured from the project information window as well. There are two methods for measuring the density: by picking a specific point on the screen or by coloring the point cloud according to the density.
To measure the density for a specific point, you must click on "Pick a point for density" and click on a point in the viewer. The density is measured in points per square metre (p/m2) and in points per cubic metre (p/m3) around the picked point.
Click on "Color by Density" to show the point cloud by its density information.
Click on the "Save image" to generate a .PNG of the current view of your primary window showing the point cloud and displayed objects without VisionLidar interface and windows.
Click on the "Create Outline" to generate a contour line around the point cloud. Use the "Simplify" checkbox to create the outline with fewer nodes.