Display Tools

Display Tools

VisionLidar allows users to customize the interface by showing or hiding various tools. These options help streamline the workspace based on user preferences.

1. Customizable Display Elements

  • Toolbar – Shows or hides the main toolbar, which contains quick-access icons.

  • Option – Displays a list of settings to adjust the point cloud visualization.

  • Status Bar – Toggles the status bar at the bottom of the main window.

  • Explorer – Displays or hides the Explorer, which manages classes, scans, and objects.

2. Explorer Tabs and Controls

Class Tab (Point Classifications)

  • Controls point cloud classifications.

  • Options:
    ✔ Show/hide classes.
    ✔ Rename classes.
    ✔ Change the display color of classes.

Scan Tab (Source Files Management)

  • Controls individual scans (source files).

  • Options:
    ✔ Show/hide scans.
    ✔ Adjust scan display colors.
    ✔ Translate and rotate scans individually.

Objects Tab (3D Objects and Surfaces)

  • Manages various object types, including:

    • Cylinders

    • Planes

    • Surfaces

    • Trees

    • Inserted Objects

  • Options:
    ✔ Show/hide objects.
    ✔ Rename objects.
    ✔ Change object colors.
    ✔ Export objects as .DXF or .CSV files.

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