Clipping Box

Clipping Box

Menu: Edit / Clipping box

The Clipping Box tool is used to filter and isolate a specific 3D region of the point cloud. Unlike the Fence tool, which creates a 2D boundary, the Clipping Box defines a volumetric selection that can be adjusted dynamically.

Clipping Box Options

  • Pick Position ā€“ Begins the picking process to define the center position of the box.

  • Show ā€“ Displays the boundaries of the Clipping Box.

  • Modify ā€“ Activates interactive axis controls, allowing you to adjust the box dynamically using the mouse.

    • āš  Note: While in Modify mode, text-based modifications are disabled.

  • Erase ā€“ Removes the existing Clipping Box from the screen.

  • Hide Out ā€“ Hides all points outside the Clipping Box.

  • Hide In ā€“ Hides all points inside the Clipping Box.

  • Select ā€“ Selects all points contained within the Clipping Box.

  • Modify by Text Boxes ā€“ Enables manual entry for adjusting the size, position, and rotation of the Clipping Box.

    • āš  Note: This option is disabled while the Clipping Box is in Modify mode with axis controls.

Important Notes

  • The Clipping Box and Fence tools cannot be used simultaneouslyā€”activating a Clipping Box will automatically deactivate the Fence, and vice versa.

  • The Clipping Box does not delete pointsā€”it only hides or isolates them for better visualization and processing.



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