Plane Detection

Plane Detection

Menu: Analyze / Planes

The Planes Detection tool allows for batch detection of planar surfaces in the point cloud. Planes are identified based on three main criteria:

Detection Tolerance – The maximum allowable distance between a point and the detected plane.
Minimum Area – The smallest plane area that will be considered for detection.
Minimum Points – The minimum number of points required to define a plane.

1. Detection Parameters

Detection Tolerance

  • Defines the maximum distance a point can be from a plane to be included in the detection.

  • Smaller values ensure higher precision but may exclude some valid surfaces.

Minimum Area

  • Defines the smallest surface area a plane must have to be detected.

  • Larger values filter out small or insignificant planes.

Minimum Points

  • Sets the minimum number of points required to define a valid plane.

  • Prevents the detection of false planes from sparse data.

2. Selecting the Processing Area

Pick Starting Point

  • Click “Pick” to manually select a starting point from the point cloud.

Limit by Radius

  • Restricts detection to a defined radius around the starting point.

  • Helps focus detection on a specific area, reducing processing time.

  • If unchecked, it is highly recommended to use a fence around the area to optimize performance.

3. Running the Detection

  1. Configure the detection tolerance, minimum area, and minimum points.

  2. Choose a starting point (optional).

  3. Set a radius limit (recommended for faster processing).

  4. Click “Start” to launch the detection.

  5. Detected planes will be listed in the Explorer → Objects Tab → Planes.


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