Object Detection

Object Detection

Menu: Analyze / Object detection

This tool is available with VisionLidar Premium and Ultimate versions only.

The Object Detection tool allows users to detect similar objects in a point cloud. The tool attempts to identify the best shape match for each object and compare them to a reference point cloud or mesh, generating a list of detected objects ranked by their percentage of compatibility.


1. Object Detection Process

Step 1: Specify the Model

  • Users can either upload a model file or select a model from the point cloud.

Loadable Model Formats


Using a Model from the Point Cloud

  • Select “From Screen” to pick an object directly from the point cloud.

  • A fence must be created around the object to isolate it for detection.

Step 2: Preview and Edit the Model

  • Click “Show/Edit” to display or modify the selected model.

  • Ensure that the model is correctly defined before launching detection.

Step 3: Detect Similar Objects

  • Click “Detect Similar” to launch the detection with the specified parameters.

  • The table below will populate with the detected objects, ranked by their percentage of correspondence.

2. Visualizing Detected Objects

  • Draw Detected Objects → Highlights all matching objects in the point cloud.

  • Compare Model to Detected Objects → Displays both the detected object and the reference model, allowing users to visually analyze differences.


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