Drawing preferences

Drawing preferences

How the various components drawn are depicted can be set in the preferences section. Each surface can be assigned to a particular preference. The first part of this preferences section applies mainly to the "Drawing" interface. It should be noted that "Color by Scale means" applies only to lines and not to text. The buttons are used to change the color, style, and layer that will be used when drawing in CAD.




Drawing Parameters


Used to choose the type of line for triangulation.


Used to choose the type of line for breaklines.


Used to choose the type of line for the surface outline.


Used to choose the type of line for showing profiles.


Used to choose the type of line for showing sections.

Color by Scale means

Color By Elevation

Used to draw the elements in a different color depending on elevation. Color ranges must be set. If an elevation falls outside the listed ranges, the element will not be drawn.


When "automatic" is checked, the software calculates the difference is elevation, divides it into fifths, and assigns a color to each level.

Color By Slope

When this option is checked, a slope percentage must be defined for each color available. No negatives.

Max Length segment for line approximation

Value for approximating a contour segment when picking them on screen.

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