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Menu: Edit / Select
The select tool is used to isolate points within the point cloud to either delete, restore or classify points. It’s It is also possible to create an extraction or generate a surface from this menu. Only visible points will be selected; any points that have been hidden (by class or scan) will not be processed. Therefore, it's It is therefore useful to hide certain classes (such as the ground class) before selecting points.
Once the function is activated, the user selects the desired points by creating a polygon around the desired area. This polygon is created by clicking the left mouse button on the screen and clicking on the right mouse button to close the polygon. The polygon can be concave or convex but can't cannot have lines crossing each othersother.
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Five options are offered:
Delete: Delete Deletes selected points
Undelete: Restore Restores points that were previously deleted in that polygon
Classify: Classify Classifies selected points to the specified class in the dropdown list
Extract to file: Create Creates an extraction with the selected points
Export to Civil: Add Adds selected points to a surface to be managed in the Civil module
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