Creating a surface with the selection tool

Creating a surface with the selection tool

Menu: Edit / Select

After selecting points using one of the selection tools, you can create a surface for use in the VisionCivil module by selecting “Export to Civil”. A name must be assigned to the new surface before proceeding.

Surface Simplification Options

When exporting the surface, you can apply simplification using the Grid Size setting. If enabled, a confirmation window will display the number of points that will be added to the surface.

Point Filtering Options:

  • Use Lowest Points – Retains only ground-level points, useful for creating terrain models.

  • Use Highest Points – Retains only upper points within a given area, ideal for Digital Surface Models (DSM) (e.g., building rooftops, vegetation canopies).

Important Notes

  • The exported surface will not be triangulated—it will only contain the selected points.

  • For further surface drawing and management, refer to the Civil Module documentation.


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