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Menu: Explorer / Objects / Cylinders

Cylinders are generated either individually from the toolbar (see below), with the picking cylinders tool (Menu: Survey / Pick cylinders) or with the cylinder batch detection tool (Menu: Analyze / Cylinders). Any detected cylinders will appear in the objects tab of the explorer under the type cylinders.

A few options are available in the cylinders toolbar - see their description here:


Deletes all selected cylinders

Adds a cylinder individually; the user must click on a cylindrical object on the screen

Invites the user to click on a cylinder to be identified on screen; the cylinder in question will be highlighted in the list

Filters the list of cylinders to show only horizontal, vertical or specifically named cylinders

Exports the selected cylinders to DXF, shapefile, MapInfo, GeoJSON or KML format

Each object can be expanded to display extra information:

  • Center XY: The XY center is the planimetric center of the cylinder. This coordinate was detected and cannot be changed afterwards.
  • Center Z: The Z center is the elevation of the base of the cylinder. If the elevation detected needs to be modified, it is possible to repick this point by clicking on  and picking an elevation on the screen.
  • Direction: The direction of the cylinder is displayed here. The direction may be repicked by clicking on  and clicking the high point of the cylinder on the screen. The direction will then be modified.
  • Height: The height of the cylinder may be repicked by clicking on  and clicking the high point of the cylinder on the screen.
  • Radius: The radius of the cylinder. This value can be modified by entering a new value in the field.
  • Angle: The angle of the cylinder is displayed here.

A contextual menu also presents a few extra features. This menu is available by right-clicking on a specific cylinder, and offers a few extra options:

  • Check all/uncheck all to select/deselect all cylinders
  • Remove current to delete the current cylinder
  • Colorize points by distance launch the "Color by cylinder deformation" function
  • No labels