Data source management

Data source management

This manager allows you to link data sources to VisionLidar365 to make them available for different layers. It's about creating a catalog of different data sources. You just have to specify the type of connections and the information to connect to them.

The Vision Connector for Databases is specialized for certain information such as the project path.

Type of data source available:



Server database

Special connector for VisionLidar365 to connect the projects, trajectory entity, as well as other point, line and polygon features.


Protocol according to the specifications of Open Geospatial Consortium. This service allows you to query servers to view map objects such as points, lines and polygons.


Protocol according to the specifications of Open Geospatial Consortium. This service allows you to query servers to view images in formats such as JPEG, PNG or GIF.


Protocol according to the specifications of Open Geospatial Consortium. This service provides tiled maps from a server.

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