

Menu: BIM / IFC (BIM)

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The IFC (BIM) module in VisionLidar enables users to convert point cloud data into structured IFC files, ensuring interoperability with Revit, ARCHICAD, CYPECAD, and other BIM software. The interface is divided into two main sections:

  1. Top Section – Manages the IFC file and its elements.

  2. Bottom Section – Displays extracted point cloud elements available for insertion into the IFC file.

1. Creating or Opening an IFC File

New File – Select a folder, enter a file name, and create a new IFC file.
Open Existing File – Load an IFC file (must contain supported elements for VisionLidar to read them).
File Structure

  • If it's a new file, a default project named "New project" is created.

  • A default site is generated with the project coordinates.

  • If multiple projects exist in the IFC file, only the first one is loaded.

IFC File Hierarchy

To ensure compatibility with most BIM software, elements should be structured as follows:

  • Project → Contains Sites

  • Site → Contains Buildings

  • Building → Contains Storeys

  • Storey → Contains Walls, Floors, Ceilings, and Openings

  • Walls/Floors/Ceilings → Contain Windows and Doors

💡 Though IFC allows flexible structuring, this hierarchy is widely accepted in BIM workflows.

2. Managing IFC Elements

Each IFC element has associated properties:
Name – Modify and save the element name in the IFC file.
Type – Displays the element type (e.g., IfcWall, IfcSlab, IfcWindow).
ID – Unique identifier for the element.
# (Line Number) – Shows the line number in the IFC file where the element definition is stored.


3. Extracting Elements from the Point Cloud

The bottom section of the interface displays point cloud elements that can be converted into IFC-compatible objects. These elements are categorized as follows:

✔ Clusters

  • Lists detected clusters in the project (See Menu: Analyze / Clusters).

  • Selecting a cluster displays its name and dimensions.

  • Filtering: Enter text to filter clusters by name.

  • When converted to an IFC element, the bounding box of the cluster is exported as geometry.

✔ Polylines

  • Loads a PLN file from VisionLidar’s polyline tool (See Menu: Survey / Polylines).

  • Represents the base of elements (e.g., walls, windows, doors).

  • Height must be specified for elements needing vertical positioning.

✔ Sections

  • Loads a CSV file from the Surface by Section tool (See Menu: Analyze / Surface by Sections).

  • Represents closed polylines used as base polygons for building structures.

✔ Surfaces

  • Lists surface objects from the Explorer → Objects tab → Surfaces.

  • Used to generate Digital Terrain Models (DTM) or building facades (requires thickness input).

4. Adding IFC Elements from Point Cloud Data

✔ Use the “+” button to insert selected point cloud elements into the IFC structure.
✔ Elements are added under the currently selected IFC element in the hierarchy.
Undo/Redo – Only the last action can be undone.

5. Supported IFC Elements & Their Usage

IFC Element


Best Practice


Creates a site in the project. Can include DTM surfaces.

Use a Surface to generate the Digital Terrain Model (DTM).


Defines a building footprint and position.

Use a Polyline or Section to define the building contour.


Adds building floors as IfcBuildingStorey.

Use a Polyline or Section to define the storey footprint.


Creates a roof as IfcRoof.

Use a Polyline or Section (requires height input).


Creates floor slabs as IfcSlab/Floor.

Use a Polyline or Section (requires thickness input).


Creates roof slabs as IfcSlab/Roof.

Use a Polyline or Section (requires thickness input).

Standard Wall

Creates vertical walls as IfcWallStandardCase.

Use a Polyline or Section (requires height input).


Defines windows as IfcWindow.

Use a Cluster or Section to define window positions.


Defines openings in walls as IfcOpeningElement.

Use a Cluster or Section to detect openings.

Generic Element

Creates custom BIM elements as IfcBuildingElementPart.

Use for miscellaneous objects detected in clusters.

💡 Tip: For windows and openings, isolate the wall, hide it, and run cluster detection to accurately extract them as individual clusters.

6. IFC Export & Interoperability

Export to IFC – Save the BIM model in .IFC format for use in Revit, ARCHICAD, and other BIM platforms.
Import IFC – Load IFC files into VisionLidar to continue editing or auto-populate opening groups.

7. Key Features & Benefits

Structured IFC export – Generates BIM-compatible files with hierarchical organization.
Supports multiple object types – Includes buildings, walls, floors, roofs, windows, and openings.
Extracts geometry from LiDAR data – Converts clusters, polylines, sections, and surfaces into BIM-ready models.
Ensures seamless integration – Compatible with Revit, ARCHICAD, CYPECAD, and more.
Flexible structuring – IFC hierarchy supports custom placements while ensuring interoperability.

🚀 Unlock the Power of BIM in VisionLidar

With the IFC (BIM) module, VisionLidar enables professionals to seamlessly transition from point clouds to structured BIM models. Whether for architectural design, civil engineering, or construction planning, this tool ensures accurate and efficient BIM modeling from LiDAR data. 🏗️✨

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