New Project

New Project

Menu: File / New 


The first step in VisionLidar is to create a project and import point clouds by opening the "File / New" tool. It runs outside of VisionLidar, to let you create multiple projects simultaneously while allowing you to continue working on a different project. The project must first be named and a project location must be set. All work done in your point cloud (from classification to extraction) will be saved there. To see all parameters you must click on the "Parameters" tab. 

The source files can be selected by clicking the "Select files" button and choosing valid point cloud files or using drag-and-drop. Several formats are available as source data: .LAS, .LAZ, .E57, .PTS, .CSV, .X3A, .FLS, .LSPROJ, .RCP or LGSx.

  • Use multiple processes: Use multiple processes if you have more than 1 file to create the project to speed up the process.

  • Upload embedded images: In case your file contains spherical images, use this option to upload them.

  • OK: Start the creation of the project

  • Cancel: Abort the currently running project creation or close the "New Project" window.

It’s important to note that only 255 scans can be imported independently in one project. If the source files contain spherical images, they will be extracted by checking the "Upload embedded images" and accessible in "View / Spherical images".

There are two progress bars to show the progress of creating the project. The upper one shows the progress of each task in the creation of the project, and the second one shows the general progress.


IMPORTANT: When you create a new project, make sure to set up a unit of measure. Even if you don't have a projection for your scans.


You can import the spherical images related to the project using the tab "Images". The trajectory files can be selected by clicking the "Select files" button and choosing valid point cloud files or using drag-and-drop. Several formats are available as source data: .txt, .xyz, .position.json, .txt_focusgeo, reference.csv, External Orientation.csv, workspace.json, pano-poses-registered.csv, .e57, .fls, .rcp, .csv_jlr, .csv_ola., .txt_ikegps or .LGSx. Examples of these formats are accessible in "View / Spherical images".


  • Class (.ini): Select the class list you want to use for the project.

  • CSV format: Choose the value to put for your CSV file.

  • Merge scans: Merge together all scans in one big point cloud, losing the origin of the points.

  • Limit by bounding box: You can exclude distant points in your project by delimiting a bounding box.

  • Conversion Projection: sets the project's coordinate system If a "Conversion" is requested,  all the coordinates from the "Source" file will be re-projected into the "Destination" coordinate system which will be the project's. 

  • Source: Select the unit of measure (feet or meters). The "Unit of measure" is currently only used for the metadata. 

  • Survey Date: Select the servey date related to the project.

Classify LAS files

You can classify LAS files directly from this tab. After choosing the .las files and selecting the project location, you can specify the AI "model name" and choose the prefered "performance mode" and "GPU" to start the classification. For more information related to the Classification models and the classes of each model visit "AI/ Train a model".


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