Export the Point Cloud

Export the Point Cloud

Menu: File / Export to

The Export To function allows users to export the contents of a point cloud into a single file or multiple files. If the project contains multiple source files, you can choose to export the entire dataset as one file or maintain the individual file structure.

Note: Only visible points will be exported. If you want to export specific classes (e.g., ground points only), make sure to hide the unwanted classes before exporting.

Supported Export Formats




Standard LiDAR point cloud formats. Users can select the version of LAS/LAZ.


Compact format for storing LiDAR data, including metadata.


Tabular format with customizable columns and delimiters.


Generates files for viewing the point cloud in an HTML browser (designed for web servers, but can also run locally).


Point cloud format that stores XYZ coordinates and intensity.


Autodesk ReCap format, including all necessary support files.


Polygon file format that stores 3D data with colors.

File Naming Options

For .LAS, .LAZ, .E57, .CSV, .PTS, and .PLY formats, you can choose how to name the exported files:

  • Single file export – Combines all source files into one output file.

  • Multiple file export – Generates separate files either:

    • Using the project name with an increment (e.g., Project_001.las, Project_002.las).

    • Using the original scan name to retain file structure.

Customization Options for Specific Formats

📌 LAS/LAZ Files

  • Choose the version of LAS/LAZ before exporting.

📌 CSV Files

  • Users can customize the column order and delimiter (separator).

  • Available attributes for export:

    • X, Y, Z → Point coordinates.

    • P → Default PCode.

    • C → Point classification.

    • I → Intensity (integer).

    • F → Intensity (float).

    • RGB → Color values (Red, Green, Blue).

    • N → Tile number assigned during processing.

    • S → Scan value in the project.

    • KML → Normal vector of the point.

  • You can include only the columns you need.

📌 RCP Files

  • Users can choose to include spherical images in the export.

VisionLidar365 Export

The VisionLidar365 format is designed for web-based visualization. Exporting in this format generates:

  • A .HTML file (user-defined name) for viewing the point cloud.

  • A libs subfolder containing all necessary libraries.

  • Supporting files:

    • chrome_local.bat

    • civetweb.exe

    • start.bat (used to simulate a local server).

  • A "point cloud" subfolder containing the VisionLidar365 project.

Running VisionLidar365 Locally

  1. Open the exported folder.

  2. Double-click “start.bat” to launch the local server.

  3. Your default browser will open at localhost:8080.

  4. Select the .HTML file to view the point cloud.

Important: This method only simulates a local server; it does not allow sharing the .HTML file over the internet. A real VisionLidar365 server is required for online access.

Exporting Extracted or Filtered Data

VisionLidar allows users to extract simplified versions of the point cloud before exporting:

  • Export points visible within an extraction → Ideal for generating lighter datasets.

  • Export points within a fence → Useful for isolating specific regions.

💡 See “Point Cloud Subsampling” for more details.

Updating an Existing Project

  • If you need to update an existing VisionLidar365 project, you can export only:

    • Annotations

    • Spherical images

    • Measurements

  • However, for a new VisionLidar365 project, you must export at least the point cloud.







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