Navigating in the point cloud

Navigating in the point cloud

In VisionLidar, navigating in the point cloud was designed to be as intuitive as possible. Here is a list of the main functions available:

  • Drag with the left mouse button: Rotate the view
  • Drag with the right mouse button: Zooms the view, dragging up zooms out and dragging down zooms in.
  • Drag with both left and right mouse button simultaneously: Pan the view
  • Drag with the mouse scroll button: Pan the view
  • Mouse scroll: Zoom in the view
  • Double click with the left mouse button: Updates center point of the viewer at the double-clicked point
  • Spacebar: Reset the view to show the entire indexed point cloud

Furthermore, several icons are available to help with navigating and viewing the point cloud:


Invert zoom for mouse scroll button

Invert the zooming direction of the scroll button on the mouse.

Fix vertical axis in rotation

When rotating, this option fixes the vertical axis so that the global orientation of the view is maintained.

Top view

Fix the view on top of the center point, rotations will only be possible around the vertical axis. Note that the view is still projected and not orthogonal.

Left view

Fix the vertical axis upward and the Y axis to the left, rotations will only be possible around the vertical axis.

Face view

Fix the vertical axis upward and the X axis to the right, rotations will only be possible around the vertical axis.


Forces the left mouse button to execute a rotation.


Forces the left mouse button to execute a pan.


Forces the left mouse button to execute a zoom.

Zoom window

The left button make a zooming window in the point cloud, re-centering the view in that window.

Zoom extents

Brings the view to its original position to view all indexed points.


Creates a zooming window around the mouse cursor

Edge locator

Enhances the edges of planes around the mouse cursor

Show point informationGives you the coordinates of the point (X, Y & Z) and its attributes (class, scan number & GPS time)

Show "Surface cursor" for pick pointOpens the "Pick toolbar" menu in which you can select different types of cursor

Configure camera pathLet you configure the path the camera will follow. You can do it by dragging the project with the mouse or by alignement or by picking point.

Play and record camera pathWill play and save the path you selected in ''Configure camera path''.

Save image of the current screenWill make a screenshot ot the point cloud as display on the screen. Can also be used as the project icon in VisionLidar 365.

Display program informationShows the information about the software (build version, license type & copyrights)