Spherical images

Spherical images

Menu: View / Spherical images

VisionLidar allows users to integrate spherical images into their projects, accurately positioning them based on a position file. These images enhance visualization by aligning real-world images with the point cloud data.

Uploading Spherical Images

To add spherical images to the project:

  1. Navigate to the “Upload Images” tab.

  2. Click “Select Files” to load the TXT or CSV position file associated with the images.

    • The position file must include:

      • File Name

      • Timestamp

      • Position (XYZ coordinates)

      • Orientation (Rotation values)

  3. If the software cannot automatically find the image folder, it will prompt you to manually select the “Images Folder”.

Managing Spherical Images

A toolbar provides several options for organizing and modifying the spherical images:



Removes selected images from the project.

Displays the selected image on the screen.


Adjusts the transparency of images in spherical mode.

Assigns a scan number to each image.

Image Alignment

Creates an alignment based on the image positions.

Rotates selected images based on predefined parameters.

Saves the image path data as a .TXT file.

Projection and Conversion

  • Allows conversion of image positions during import.

  • Source Projection should match the original scan units.

  • Destination Projection should match the current project units.

3. Working with Spherical Images

Interacting with Spherical Images

  • Once loaded, each image is represented by an annotation pin in the main view.

  • The pin shows the image position and trajectory direction.

  • Double-click the pin to open the image, or use the Show icon in the image list.

Navigating Between Images

  • Move between images by:

    • Double-clicking the next pin in the main window.

    • Using the “<<” and “>>” buttons to cycle through images.

    • Adjusting the timestamp in the “Time” field.

Displaying Points Over Images

  • Show Points – Ensures point cloud data appears over the image, regardless of transparency settings.

4. Additional Tools for Spherical Images

VisionLidar includes advanced tools for working with spherical images:

See the respective sections for more details on these tools.

5. Exiting Spherical Image Mode

  • Users are locked in the image’s position while viewing spherical images.

  • To exit spherical image mode:

    • Press ESC.

    • Right-click anywhere in the main screen.



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