File Conversion

File Conversion

Menu: Tools / File conversion

In this menu you will have the posibility to convert your non-LAZ file to LAZ format and also the option to change the project coordinate system.

First, select the "Project location" by clicking the  icone. Then select the "Soucre Files" by clicking the  icone or you can select specific file formats by checking  and then checking all wanted formats. You can also select "Includes subfolder" to search for additional files in them. 

If you have images, you can include them by checking . You can choose the way to put the value in your CSV file in the "CSV format" field.

The "Projection" section sets the project's coordinate system If a conversion is asked all the coordinates from the "Source" file will be re-projected into the "Destination" coordinate system which will be the project's one.  If "conversion" is not selected, the "Source" projection will also be the project's one. 

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