Volume computation

Volume computation

Menu: Tools / Volume Computation

With this new tool it is even easier and faster than ever before to do volume calculation. You will be able to preform the computation directly from the scan(s).  Here is the list of parameters for "Volume Computation".

First, "Scan selection" in which you will select the mode of "Volume computation" you want to perform.

  • From two scans: Perfect to calcul volume as a scan to scan comparaison. Just make sure you select the scans in the proper order (wrong date order will result in an inversion between the "added" and "Removed" value
  • From one scan: When you want to do "volume computation" directly from your scan such as calculate stockpiles volume. Simply isolate the area you want to calculate the volume for with the fence tool.

Second, "Volume params" which will determined the way the calculation will carry out.

  • Boundary computation algorythm: You can choose between "Concave hull" which will follow exterior of the scan as close as possible to create the outline or  "Convex hull" which will link the extremities of the scan together to create the outline.
  • Geometric operator: You can choose between "Intersec" wich will consider the points in the scans within the intersection of both of them (to be selected when doing volume calculation "From one scan" or "Union" which will take all the points present in both scans (like a merge).
  • Swell factor: If you have a swell factor, you can put it here to have a more precise result. Very usefull when you do road work for exemple.

Third, "IDW interpolation params" which will help you refine the precision of your calcul.

  • Grid cell size: which let you choose the size of cell for the "Volume computation".
  • k-nearest neaighbors: Let you select the number of neighboring points you want to.
  • Power: Power factor that weights the distance during interpolation.

Once the parameters are set, you simply click on "Compute volume" button and the results will be display in the "Results" window and a colorised map in the "Heatmap" window. Also, you will have the option to create a report by clicking on the "Open report" button.

"From one scan" exemple:

"From two scans" exemple:

Report exemple:

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