Color by density

Color by density

Menu: File / Project info / Color by density

The Color by Density tool provides a visual representation of point cloud density, helping users analyze variations in point distribution. This function is accessible only from the “Project Information” window.

Upon opening the function, the "minimum value" and "maximum value" as well as all the values in the range of colors are set to 0. To populate these fields with density values, "Compute density" must be activated. Before computing the density, a "grid size" may be set; there will be a simplification of the point cloud in order to calculate and display the density more quickly.

The "grid size" parameter will cut the project in 3D tiles with the entered value and will retain only 1 point within that tile. The smaller the "grid size" value, the more points will be included in the display; the larger the "grid size" value, the less points will be included.

How to Use the Color by Density Tool

1. Initializing the Density Calculation

  • Upon opening the tool, the Minimum Value, Maximum Value, and histogram values are all set to 0.

  • To generate density values, click “Compute Density”.

2. Adjusting Grid Size for Performance Optimization

  • Before computing density, you can set a Grid Size value to optimize processing speed.

  • The Grid Size determines how the point cloud is divided into 3D tiles, with each tile retaining only one representative point.

    • Smaller Grid Size → More points retained, higher detail.

    • Larger Grid Size → Fewer points retained, faster computation.

3. Understanding Density Visualization

  • Once density is computed, values for Minimum Value, Maximum Value, and the histogram (color range) will appear.

  • Adjusting these values affects the visualization:

    • Increasing the Minimum Value filters out lower-density areas, enhancing the representation of denser regions.

    • The histogram updates dynamically based on these changes.

  • The color gradient typically ranges from blue (low density) to red (high density) for better interpretation.

4. Generating a Density Report

  • A PDF report can be generated, containing:

    • Title and subtitle (customizable).

    • Histogram displaying point density distribution.

    • Screenshot of the main viewer.

  • To modify the title and subtitle, click the “...” button next to the “Report” button.

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