Creating a surface with the selection tool
Menu: Edit / Select
After selecting points using one of the selection tools, you can create a surface for use in the VisionCivil module by selecting “Export to Civil”. A name must be assigned to the new surface before proceeding.
Surface Simplification Options
When exporting the surface, you can apply simplification using the Grid Size setting. If enabled, a confirmation window will display the number of points that will be added to the surface.
Point Filtering Options:
Use Lowest Points – Retains only ground-level points, useful for creating terrain models.
Use Highest Points – Retains only upper points within a given area, ideal for Digital Surface Models (DSM) (e.g., building rooftops, vegetation canopies).
Important Notes
The exported surface will not be triangulated—it will only contain the selected points.
For further surface drawing and management, refer to the Civil Module documentation.