Compare scans

Compare scans

Menu: Analyze / Compare scans

This function compares two different scans in the same area. For this function to work, the VisionLidar project must contain at least two separate scans. Select the two scans to be compared in the “files to compare” section. The comparison is positioned perpendicular to a selected plane or a surface. The “range of colors” is a histogram with ranges distributed equally within the set interval, which is the “Color interval” value. All points outside of the range (further than the “Cutoff distance”) are isolated from the view and excluded from the histogram results. To calculate the histogram values, click on “Compare” and distribution values will appear in the right column.

Clicking on “Compare” will also display the results graphically in a secondary window. To view the colors in the secondary window, the view “Color by RGB” must be selected, if not, the content in the secondary window will appear without any significant colors.

A .PDF report can be created with this tool. The report will include a title, a subtitle, a histogram and a printscreen of the secondary window. To customize the title and subtitle, click on  “...”  next to the “Create Report” button.  “Compare” will calculate the distribution of points inside the specified interval.  Clicking on “Create Report” generates a .PDF file showing the histogram and a screenshot of the secondary window when the function was triggered. It is recommended to hide unwanted classes and to create a fence around the analysed area to obtain the most accurate report.