Menu: Analyze / Sections
The Sections tool generates cross-sections along an alignment or between two selected points. Points within the section box are displayed in a secondary window, where they can be:
✔ Picked for virtual surveying
✔ Classified
✔ Deleted
1. Cross-Section Creation Methods
Bounding Box
Defines the dimensions of each cross-section.
Controls the position of the sections relative to the alignment.
Sets the spacing between sections along the path.
By Alignment
Creates cross-sections along a predefined alignment.
A list of available alignments is provided in a drop-down menu.
New alignments can be added using:
Pick Points Tool
Alignment Tool
By Points
Defines a cross-section perpendicular to a line segment created between two picked points.
By Class
Creates cross-sections based on selected point classifications.
Requires Clusterization Parameters to be adjusted so the algorithm can detect clusters within the selected class.
2. Viewing and Navigating Sections
Opens the secondary window displaying the cross-section points.
The bounding box of the section is visible in the main window.
The cross-section is perpendicular to the chosen path and follows the specified thickness, height, and width.
Next / Previous
Moves the secondary window to the next or previous cross-section along the alignment.
The distance between each section is controlled by the Step field.