Object Detection
Menu: Analyze / Object detection
This tool is available with VisionLidar Premium and Ultimate versions only.
The Object Detection tool allows users to detect similar objects in a point cloud. The tool attempts to identify the best shape match for each object and compare them to a reference point cloud or mesh, generating a list of detected objects ranked by their percentage of compatibility.
1. Object Detection Process
Step 1: Specify the Model
Users can either upload a model file or select a model from the point cloud.
Loadable Model Formats
Using a Model from the Point Cloud
Select “From Screen” to pick an object directly from the point cloud.
A fence must be created around the object to isolate it for detection.
Step 2: Preview and Edit the Model
Click “Show/Edit” to display or modify the selected model.
Ensure that the model is correctly defined before launching detection.
Step 3: Detect Similar Objects
Click “Detect Similar” to launch the detection with the specified parameters.
The table below will populate with the detected objects, ranked by their percentage of correspondence.
2. Visualizing Detected Objects
Draw Detected Objects → Highlights all matching objects in the point cloud.
Compare Model to Detected Objects → Displays both the detected object and the reference model, allowing users to visually analyze differences.