Camera Path Recorder

Camera Path Recorder

Menu: View / Options / Camera or Camera in Toolbar

This function configures and records a path to be displayed on the screen and will replay it in a loop. The function is only available via the toolbar and is displayed as the following two icons :

First of all, the camera icon will open the “Camera path” window which controls the recorder. Three options are available:

  • By camera movement: Clicking on “Save” will close this window and it will start recording any movements made in the main view. Clicking on the camera icon a second time will stop the recording.

  • By alignment: If an alignment exists in the database, it will appear in the dropdown list. The camera path will be recorded according to the current elevation and pitch that have been set.

  • By picking points: The user will pick points directly in the point cloud to create the path by clicking “Pick points”. The path will be recorded according to the current elevation and pitch settings.


A video file of the playback can be saved by selecting “Create video file”. "The “Uncompressed” option will save the video as an uncompressed AVI file. If the “Uncompressed” option remains unchecked, a prompt will allow the user to select the compression method to be used.

The path can then be viewed with the blue triangle icon. If the “Create video file” option was checked, a prompt will appear to save the video file. Once the file folder and filename is determined, the playback will begin and the video recording will mirror what is being played. The playback and recording will stop when the blue triangle icon is pressed again. The viewing speed can be accelerated with the Shift + 0 keys or slowed with the Shift +9 (keep the keys pressed for a speed change).

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