View Points and Chains
Menu: Survey / View Points/Chains
This window operates almost in the same way as the “Enter points / chains” window described above. The notable differences are:
- This window provides a complete picture of the points in the Vision database, unlike the "Enter points / chains" window which presents only the stitched points which have not been saved.
- It is possible to export all points from the Vision database to LandXML, .DXF or .CSV format.
- You can view all data by point and chain groups (the functioning of point and chain groups is described later in the document).
It is possible to select a series of points by clicking on a point (the point will be displayed as yellow to indicate the selected state), bu then pressing "Shift" and clicking the final point to be selected. This way, a selection of points may be, for example, deleted or modified.
The search bar on the top right of the table allows the user to search for any point in the table containing the information entered. Entering the same value multiple times will find the following points that contain the search information (if applicable).
The size of the labels for the points on screen may be modified by going to Menu: Settings / View / Point labels and changing the main screen text size.
Any changes made to the points in this function must be saved. Points in the table can be saved in the database and exported as CSV, DXF or LandXML format. An alignment can also be made with any polyline by clicking on “Create alignment” and saving the desired line number as an alignment. The newly created alignment it will be accessible with the Menu: Survey / Alignment or in the alignment section of the Civil module.