Measurement kit

Measurement kit

Menu: Survey / Measurement kit

The measurement kit manages the different measurements done in the project so far. All measurements done are available here with a toggle to display or hide them. All distances are in the same measurement system than the project, unless a scale as been specified in the global settings beside "Source unit of measure" . Each can have its own color, but the size, precision, type of angles and area shading are modified for all of them in  Menu: Settings / View / Measurements.

Several type of measurements are available and the number of points required varies:

  • Measure distance 2D: Planimetric (XY) distance between two points. "2D=" will prefix the measure.
  • Measure distance 3D: True distance between two points. "3D=" will prefix the measure.
  • Measure distance slope: Percentge of slope between two points. No prefix will be present but the "%" fill fallow the measure.
  • Measure angles 2D: Planimetric(XY) angle between three points, second point being the middle point were the angle will be shown. "2D:" will prefix the angle.
  • Measure angles 3D: True angle between three points, second point being the middle point were the angle will be shown. "3D:" will prefix the angle.
  • Measure perimeters: True perimeter of the area by all the points picked to create a polygon. To close the polygon the  button must be pressed. "P=" will prefix the measure.
  • Measure area: Area created by all the points picked to create a polygon. To close the polygon the  button must be pressed. The "S=" will prefix the measurement. 
  • Measure elevations: Measure the height difference between two points. The "H=" will prefix the measure and a dashed triangle will be shown to represent base and height of the segment.
  • Measure path length: Measure the cumulative distance along a path for each vertex. The "L=" will prefix each cumulative measure. The interface and report will only show the total length.

Measurements can be changed of type, but if the user select a type that requires less points then the current measurement have only the first ones will be taken in account. Selecting an older measurement will place it in yellow and, if its a measurement requiring multiple points, activate it to pick new points. Pressing the "Point" button will open the list of points. Right-clicking on a point from the list will allow four options:

  • Remove all: delete all the points of the measure
  • Remove current: Remove de selected point from the list
  • Insert: Insert a point above the selected point
  • Repick point: allow to change the position of the point by picking another point in the point cloud

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