Contour line creation

Contour line creation

This interface is used to generate contours on the main window, depicting the current surface. Simply enter the desired settings.




Minimum and maximum altitude to be imposed on the contours. The [Update] button gives us the altitude range of the loaded surface.


Determines the horizontal distance between the primary contours and the distance between the secondary contours. If you only want one, set the other to zero.

Contours type

  • The Polyline is an object made up of one or more straight segments connected to one another, and considered to be a single line.

  • The Segment is an object made up of two points connected straight.

  • The Spline is an object formed of a spline curve smoothed into a series of points within the specified tolerance. Note that with an higher tolerance, risks of line crossing increase.

  • The Smoothing is a Polyline3D object for smoothing the polyline, a smoothing factor from 0 (not smoothed) to 100% (maximum smoothing) is specified.

  • Minimal length of contour: Used to eliminate contours smaller than the indicated value.

Creation Method

  • By Triangulation: Uses triangulation to create the digital model of the land.

  • By Nearest Neighbour: Uses a grid whose dimensions correspond to the box's fields to create the surface and interpolate the contours.

Annotation by line

Used to display each contour's altitude value on it. The annotations are placed by the lines defined in the following table.

Annotation by Interval

Used to display each contour's altitude value on it. The annotations are placed at regular intervals using the value indicated in the box that follows.

Annotations by line are placed along a polyline defined in the table at the bottom of the interface. The software will create a virtual line between each point in the table and will place the measurements along that line. If the points do not appear in the table after the points or lines have been selected, the surface must be saved.

If you want to show just one line at a specific height, simply place that height into the min. altitude and max. altitude box. However, you do have to make sure that the distance between the secondary lines is small enough to cover the desired height precision. For example, if you want the line to be at a height of 62.55, there will need to be a distance of 0.001 between the secondary lines, or one decimal place more than the requested height.



Used to select all of the table's elements.

Adds an entry at 0.0 at the end of the table.

Used to delete the checked points.

Used to zoom into the design platform at the last point selected.

Used to pick an existing point in the database.

Used to pick a line or polyline and to include all the vertices in the table into it.

Used to search for an element in the table. The column specified by the drop-down menu that follows the search field will be searched.

Select the culumn number you want to search in

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