Generation of a TIN following a reference line

Generation of a TIN following a reference line

Menu: Analyse / Ground and Menu: Module Civil / Surfaces / Contour Tab

The generation of a triangulated surface starts with the algorithm of ground detection. This algorithm allows to classify the points towards the ground class but also to create a surface corresponding to the TIN of the ground. To do this, activate the surface creation "Create surface'' option within a buffer zone around a corridor - which reference line. When the parameters are completed, click on "Start" to detect the ground. The triangulated surface will be added to the list of surfaces  in the ''Object'' tab from the ''Explorer''

To analyze the entire surface of the point cloud, uncheck the Limit by corridor option. The surface of the ground will be analyzed.

A surface can also be modified to follow a corridor. In the Civil module, select the surface and go to "Contour" tab. In the table, right-click in the list of points. The option "Generate from corridor" allows you to select an alignment from the list and specify a left and right offset to determine the new surface contour.

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