Points tab

Points tab

This tab makes it possible to manage the points present in the surface. The "Name" column will display the ID number associated to a point in virtual surveying, and the last columns represent the point's elevation based on the layer determined at the top of the column. 

Here are the functions available with this tab:



Used to apply a filter to the data displayed in the grid. You can filter by selecting points on the screen, by requiring a constraint to match a point and a radius, by picking an XY box, or by giving an elevation constraint. Filters cannot be combined. (Apply the filter by clicking on the gray button in the menu.)

Select/Unselect all points.

Add a new blank point. You can add a point number or enter coordinates.

Delete the selected point(s) from the surface (and not from the descriptive file or database).

Zoom into the main window, on the point selected in the grid.

Pick a point on the point cloud to add it to the surface.

Search for a point in the grid. Use the drop-down list and choose columns to search.

Right-clicking in the table brings up a pop-up menu:

Pop-up menu


Point - Zoom

Zoom in the main window to the point selected in the grid (yellow).

Point - Draw

Draws the current point in the main window (yellow).

Point - Erase

Erases the current point in the main window (yellow).

Points – All

Select all.

Points – Add

Add a point to the end of the grid of points

Points – Delete

Deletes the selected points (the checked ones)


Zoom in the main window to the points selected in the grid (the checked ones).

Draw the selected points

Draw the points selected in the grid in the main window (the checked ones).

Erase the selected points

Erase the points selected in the grid from the main window (the checked ones).

Pick points

A function used to add points selected in the main window into the surface points grid. A polyline can also be selected to collect its points.

Pick text as points

A function used to add the selected text as points on the surface. The coordinate corresponds to the text point of insertion.

Add by interval

Insert points by identifying a point number interval or a PCode interval. Example syntax for adding points 1 to 10 as well as 13 and 15: 1-10,13,15

Import points from ASCII file

Used to quickly import an ASCII file.

Save points as ‘pts’ file (X Y Z)

Used to save the list of points in an ASCII file.

Synch. COGO

Compares the list of surface points compared to the points contained in the Vision database. It confirms the contents of the No.Point and Pcode columns whose fields are blank, then updates them using the content in the Vision database.


Checks whether some data has been entered twice.

Modify elevations

A tool used to impose a zero-elevation value, a chosen value, or to add to the current value.

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