Grid creation

Grid creation

This interface is used to represent a surface by creating points uniformly on the territory. It can also be used to create new surfaces for the tetrahedralization module, or when the holes in the surface are too long to render the triangles properly. It is also an option for standard triangulation in order to see a perspective view of the land. (Like draping a tablecloth atop the surface.)



X, Y Interval

Specifies the locations of the grid's points (rows/columns)

Creation Method

  • By Triangulation: Interpolation based on the existing triangulation.

  • By Nearest Neighbor: Take the closest neighbor's value in the existing triangulation.

  • By nearest neighbor on surface plan: Take the closest neighbor's value in the existing triangulation, in the optimal triangulation plan.


These buttons are used to draw and erase the grid created using the loaded surface.

Add points of grid to surface.

Used to add the grid's points to the surface. It is recommended to check this box only when certain of the result, because it cannot be undone

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