Profile preferences

Profile preferences

The profiles' preferences are in the second preferences section. Each configuration of parameters may be saved with a different name as needed. It is strongly suggested to take the time to set these preferences in your template or in a standard project .mdb in order to be imported into your new projects.

It should be noted that the text size depends on the drawing's scale, not the profile's. The profile scale makes it possible to identify the graph's scale.

There are two profile configurations: "With breaks" or "Fixed altitude (no breaks)".

  1. When you check the "Fixed altitude (no breaks)" option, the profile appears in a single grid. The grid's width (chaining) will therefore be defined by the alignment's length.

  2. When you don't check the "Fixed altitude (no breaks)" option, the profile is displayed in multiple grids. This option allows you to print a very long profile that takes up several pages. You can therefore define the height and width of the profile grids, as well as some degree of overlap between the grids. If the elements vary too much from the designated height, the software will create a break in the profile to track them better. There are therefore two types of separations: Separations between breaks in a single grid, and separations between grids.

The grid parameters can be adjusted for primary and secondary chainings, as well as for primary and secondary altitudes individually. If the secondary interval is not desired, simply enter the same value as the primary interval, which will take precedence.

The button is used to modify the selected style.




Profile Parameters

Line to draw the Profile

Type of line with which to draw the profile itself.

Text to draw the Profile

Type of text with which the slope will be shown on the profile.

Elev. Scale

Altitude scale that represents the scale of the Y axis in the profile grid. This value affects only how the profile is represented.

Chain. Scale

Chaining scale that represents the scale of the X axis in the profile grid. This value affects only how the profile is represented.

Dist. between grids

When in "with breaks" mode, this field defines the distance between the grids. (Actual measurement)

Dist. for breaks

When in "with breaks" mode, this field defines the distance between the breaks within a grid. (Actual measurement)

Ext. Start

Horizontal margin of the profiles' start. (Grid without profiles, measurement scaled)

Ext. End

Horizontal margin of the profiles' end. (Grid without profiles, measurement scaled)

Overlap Start

When in "with breaks" mode, this field defines the overlap with the previous grid.

Overlap End

When in "with breaks" mode, this field defines the overlap with the following grid.


Width of the grid (chaining, measurement scaled).


Height of the grid (actual measurement) This field is not available in "no breaks" mode.

Inf. margin

Vertical margin of the profiles' bottom. (Grid without profiles, actual measurement)

Sup. margin

Vertical margin of the profiles' top. (Grid without profiles, actual measurement)


Line to draw the frame

Type of line with which to draw the profile's frame.


Value of the interval by which you want to separate the grid.


Type of line with which the grid is drawn.


Type of text with which the text of the interval and scale are drawn.


Number of decimal places for interval texts.


Distance between tics and interval texts. (actual measurement)


Type of line with which to draw the tics.


Length of tics, actual measurement Note: The user must ensure that the distance given at the offset (Dist.) is longer than the length of the tic.

AnnotationsDraw Line? Check to draw a line based on the annotation.
Up to gridStops the annotation lines at the bottom of the profile grid.
Up to lineContinues the annotation lines all the way to the profile line.
Length of lineLength between the graph and the bottom of the annotations. (Measurement scaled.)
TextCheck if you want to input the annotation text
Point No LengthNumber of possible characters to input the point number. (This value is no longer used)
Chaining LengthNumber of characters available to display the chaining.
Elevation LengthNumber of characters available to display the elevation.
Primary chaining

Check to have elevation in all of the primary chainings. The options determine which annotations will be indicated:

Z CL: Center line's elevation.

Z Surf: Surface's elevation.

Z Diff: Difference in elevation between the alignment and the surface.

Horizontal Curves

Check to get the elevation of the horizontal curve's points of interest. The options determine which annotations will be indicated:

Point Nbr: The number of the alignment's point

Ch. Eq. start: The chaining equation at the given point.

Z Surf: Surface's elevation.

Z Diff: Difference in elevation between the alignment and the surface.

Vertical curves

Check to get the elevation of the horizontal curve's points of interest. The options determine which annotations will be indicated:

Z PVI: Elevation of the vertical curve's point of interest.

Z L/H Pt.:  Used to see the minimum and maximum elevation of the vertical curve's parabolas.

Z Surf: Surface's elevation.

Z Diff: Difference in elevation between the alignment and the surface.

PI Points

Check to get the elevation at the raw alignment's points. The options determine which annotations will be indicated:

Point Nbr: The number of the alignment's point

Z PI: Elevation of the raw point.

Z CL: Center line's elevation.

Z Surf: Surface's elevation.

Z Diff: Difference in elevation between the alignment and the surface.

Pipe TextsDiameterType of text with which the pipe's diameter will be drawn.
LengthType of text with which the pipe's length will be drawn.
AltitudeType of text with which the pipe's altitude will be drawn.
HeightType of text with which the pipe's height will be drawn.

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