Preparing and creating station

Preparing and creating station

After opening the “Road by sections” tool, an alignment must be selected in the dropdown list. If no alignments exist in the Vision database, the list will be empty and the function cannot be used.

The cross-section dimensions should be defined afterwards. These values may also be modified to better match a project at any time during the process, without any effect on results.

When selecting an alignment for the first time, the station list will be empty. Stations must be created to fill the list. Once the alignment is selected, the “Create all sections” button will generate all stations along the alignment from the “Start” to the “End” at every “Interval” value set in the dimensions. The station list, containing a list of points and PCodes, can also be imported with the “Load” button if the file had been created beforehand.

To edit a section, the “Edit” button for that station must be clicked. The section will appear in the secondary view.

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