Contour Line Preferences

Contour Line Preferences

The Contour Line Preferences interface in VisionLidar’s Civil Module allows users to define default contour settings, line styles, annotation formats, and decimal precision for each layer. Since preferences are set at the layer level, different layers can have individualized contour settings.

1. Key Features of Contour Preferences

Set Default Contour Values – Define annotation intervals, step differentials, and minimum contour lengths.
Customize Line Styles – Assign different line types for primary, secondary, and differential contours.
Configure Annotation Text – Select text formats for elevation labels.
Control Decimal Precision – Adjust the number of decimal places for contour annotations.


2. Contour Preference Settings

Default Contour Values



Annotation Interval

Defines the default spacing between annotations on a contour.

Step Differential

Sets the interval between differential contour lines.

Minimum Length of Contour

Specifies the minimum length a contour must have to be drawn.

Divide Curves by Annotation

Determines whether contours should be divided at annotation points.

Line Customization



Primary Contours

Selects the line type for primary elevation contours.

Secondary Contours

Defines the line type for secondary contours.

Differential Positive

Chooses the line style for positive elevation differentials.

Zero Contours

Defines the line type for zero-elevation contours.

Differential Negative

Sets the line style for negative elevation differentials.

Annotation Text Settings



Primary Contour Text

Selects the text type for primary contour labels.

Secondary Contour Text

Defines the text format for secondary contours.

Differential Positive Text

Chooses the text type for positive differential contours.

Zero Contour Text

Defines the text format for zero-elevation contours.

Differential Negative Text

Sets the text style for negative differential contours.

Decimal Precision Control



All Contours

Controls the number of decimal places displayed for contour elevations.

3. Customizing Contour Display

Modify line styles to differentiate primary, secondary, and differential contours.
Adjust annotation spacing to improve contour readability.
Set decimal precision to ensure accurate elevation labeling.
Enable/disable curve division for smoother contour lines.

🚀 Optimize Your Contour Visualizations with VisionLidar!

With customizable contour settings, VisionLidar helps you generate clear, precise, and visually appealing topographic maps. Take control of contour display settings for maximum clarity and accuracy! 🌍📏🏔️

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